The College’s Governing Body is known as Leyton Sixth Form College Corporation.
The current Corporation comprises 12 Members including the Principal, two Staff Governors, 1 Student Governor and 1 Parent Governor. The remaining Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds, ensuring a balance of skills and experience appropriate to the needs of the College.
The full Board of Governors meets 6 times per year.
The Board holds an annual summer conference to discuss strategic planning.
There are also 3 Committees of the Corporation, namely Audit, Search and Remuneration, where detailed work is carried out on relevant College matters.
The main role of the Corporation is to agree the strategic direction of the College, to set objectives and monitor results, and to support the College in providing a high quality and effective learning experience for everyone who attends.
Collectively, Governors contribute their professional and specialist skills to the running of the Corporation and its Committees in a non-executive role. Many undertake training to deepen their understanding of educational issues and the wider context in which colleges operate.
The responsibilities of the Corporation can be summarised as:
- Determining the educational character and mission of the College and overseeing its activities.
- Approving the quality strategy of the institution.
- The effective management of resources to ensure the solvency of the College and the safeguarding of its assets.
- Approving annual estimates of income and expenditure.
- Employing senior post-holders, including their appointment, determination of pay and conditions, etc.
- Setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff.
Ofsted reports suggest that knowledgeable, energetic and diligent Governing Bodies are a feature of most good or outstanding colleges. Governors certainly make a major contribution to the success of Leyton Sixth Form College.
Mirna Peach (Clerk to the Corporation)
Joga Kabra (Independent Member – former Deputy College Principal)
Gill Burbridge (Principal, Ex-Officio)
Adriano Fachini (Academic Staff Governor)
Robert Kendrick (Chair – Financier)
Emily Martin (Independent Member – lawyer)
Harry Shackleton (Independent Governor)
Michael Boachie (Support Staff Governor)
Karen Hetherington (Vice Chair)
Helen Rand (Independent Governor)
Sana Patel (Student Governor)