Waltham Forest Parent Forum (WFPF) Webinars.


 1. Anxiety & Obsessions- with Mark Brown( no limit to spaces). January 25th 7PM

This aim of this webinar is not to get rid of obsession, but to provide insight into their reasons and how to gain some sort of balance. In so doing Mark will explore some of the issues relating to having additional needs and anxiety, including the display of obsessive behaviour, how it can impact upon everyone involved and how to develop support and interventions as a way to reduce the consequences of being anxious. So come along to this practical and down to earth webinar and learn how to reduce the firework explosion.



2. Understanding Behaviour with Sunshine Support (15 spaces) January 28th 8PM. If you would like to attend, please let me know and I will send the promotional code you need to allow you to see this webinar for free anyone who books will receive a recording of the event in case you can't attend on the night. You will have the recording for 30 days. 

Using Corrina Wood's 'Say OUI to Managing Behaviour: Observe, Understand & Implement" we will cover in-depth: 

  • The development of the brain & what happens to the brain when a child feels anxious or 'triggered'
  • Why children may struggle to make sound decisions when in a state of anxiety/anger/worry/frustration
  • causes of these big emotions
  • Masking; the reasons behind a difference in presentation or behaviour between settings (i.e., home Vs school)
  • De-escalation - healthy ways and means
  • low arousal approaches: re-framing what we do and say as adults
  • The lasting effect of these 'episodes', how to minimise trauma for all involved
  • Ways to reconnect and recover
  • When and how to have honest discussions about safety and when to have such discussions 

3. Social Skills (especially in autism) with Mark Brown Wednesday 17th February 7PM 



4. Support group (parents only) Thursday 4th Feb 8PM

Amanda from SENDIASS will come along to answer parents' questions Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83526215485?pwd=T3FrVzl2WGU2aUVnWW0yMnVUTVB6QT09 


Meeting ID: 835 2621 5485

Passcode: WFPF2021


Carol Prideaux Parent Participation Director - Waltham Forest Parent Forum     

For further information please use the contacts below:

07794 298496 (Carol) 07528 433640 (Sarah)